Research >> Organ-on-a-chip >> Microvasculature-on-a-chip
The microvasculature plays a critical role in human physiology and is closely associated to various human diseases. By combining advanced microfluidic-based techniques, the engineered 3D microvascular network model provides a precise and reproducible platform to study the microvasculature in vitro, which is an essential and primary component to engineer organ-on-chips and achieve greater biological relevance.
By incorporating different vascularization mechanisms including vasculogenesis, endothelial cell (EC) lining, sprouting angiogenesis, and anastomosis, the 3D microvascular network with versatile geometries was constructed. To verify its perfusability, both fluorescent microparticles and FITC-dextran were introduced into the high pressure outer channel and these then flowed through the microvascular network into the low pressure outer channel. More importantly, no-physiological leakage was occured during the perfusion process, which demonstrated the strong barrier property of the formed microvascular network. Thus, the developed microvasculature model has utility in a wide range of organ-on-a-chip applications as it enables the co-culture with other types of cells as well as the physiological vascular interconnection of multiple on chip tissue constructs that can serve as disease models for drug screening. |
Selected Publications
1.Xiaolin Wang#, Duc T. T. Phan#, Agua Sobrino, Steven C. George, Christopher C. W. Hughes*, and Abraham P. Lee*, “Engineering anastomosis between living capillary networks and endothelial cell-lined microfluidic channels,” Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16(2), 282-290.
2. Qinyu Li, Kai Niu, Ding Wang, Lian Xuan and Xiaolin Wang*, Low-cost rapid prototyping and assembly of open microfluidic device for 3D vascularized organ-on-a-chip, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22(14), 2682-2694.
3. Kangyi Lu, Chenyang Zhou, Zhangjie Li, Yijun Liu, Feifan Wang, Lian Xuan and Xiaolin Wang*, Multi-level magnetic microrobots delivery strategy within a hierarchical vascularized organ-on-a-chip, Lab on a Chip, 2024, 24, 446-459.
4. Tao Yue, Da Zhao, Duc T. T. Phan, Xiaolin Wang, Joshua Jonghyun Park, Zayn Biviji, Christopher C. W. Hughes and Abraham P. Lee, A modular microfluidic system based on a multilayered configuration to generate large-scale perfusable microvascular networks, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 7, 4 (2021).
5. Xiaolin Wang*, Qiyue Sun, Jianghua Pei, Microfluidic-based 3D engineered microvascular networks and their applications in vascularized microtumor models, Micromachines, 2018, 9(10),493.
1.Xiaolin Wang#, Duc T. T. Phan#, Agua Sobrino, Steven C. George, Christopher C. W. Hughes*, and Abraham P. Lee*, “Engineering anastomosis between living capillary networks and endothelial cell-lined microfluidic channels,” Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16(2), 282-290.
2. Qinyu Li, Kai Niu, Ding Wang, Lian Xuan and Xiaolin Wang*, Low-cost rapid prototyping and assembly of open microfluidic device for 3D vascularized organ-on-a-chip, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22(14), 2682-2694.
3. Kangyi Lu, Chenyang Zhou, Zhangjie Li, Yijun Liu, Feifan Wang, Lian Xuan and Xiaolin Wang*, Multi-level magnetic microrobots delivery strategy within a hierarchical vascularized organ-on-a-chip, Lab on a Chip, 2024, 24, 446-459.
4. Tao Yue, Da Zhao, Duc T. T. Phan, Xiaolin Wang, Joshua Jonghyun Park, Zayn Biviji, Christopher C. W. Hughes and Abraham P. Lee, A modular microfluidic system based on a multilayered configuration to generate large-scale perfusable microvascular networks, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 7, 4 (2021).
5. Xiaolin Wang*, Qiyue Sun, Jianghua Pei, Microfluidic-based 3D engineered microvascular networks and their applications in vascularized microtumor models, Micromachines, 2018, 9(10),493.